Sunday, January 27, 2008


Brittany said...

I'm crying. We should start a club. And I second the comment about getting a hobby... with what money and what time? Who do you recommend watch the kids, my hard working husband whose been at work all day? I've decided to read. I can be Bella Swan and be chased by an evil vampire... that's WAY worse than a crying toddler. P.S. Drugs help :) just kidding mom, I'm clean

Lowders said...

I remember it well!!! If it makes you feel any better, someday those children will be beautiful adults and you will miss them terribly and wish for the chance to hold them one more time and rock them to sleep. Life is hard but that's what makes the rewards so wonderful. I promise you that it is worth it. Look what I ended up with! Best wishes for better days! Love, Mom

Spencer Family said...

Hey Nichole, I found your blog through Brittany's--small world! I'm so happy to see you guys are following your dreams--living in Alaska, flying, two beautiful girls--congratulations. As for the post about being a mom--all I can say is AMEN! I feel the exact same as you. Then I add in the guilt b/c I feel that way and a 'perfect' mom shouldn't and it's just enough to send one over the edge! Hang in there! - Alicia Spencer

Sonda said...

Welcome to motherhood! It's the greatest job, but along with that, it's the hardest and only another mother can truly understand. I have paced the halls at church wondering what the **** I was doing there, because I can feel the spirit more if I'm at home with my kids quietly sleeping in their own beds. My greatest sanity breaks have been late night grocery store trips...ALONE!!! Hang in there, tomorrow is another day and another chance to start over and try to survive:)

alana.rachelle said...

way to vent! don't you love that?! i know you love your husdand and kids. thats evident or you wouldn't be living in semi isolation in alaska! but hang in there! one day when your kids are grown and you get your manolos(or the equivilent thereof) you'll know that there's not a not a doubt in the world that even though you didn't work in an office building with fancy board rooms and espresso machines, you have definitely EARNED those heels through your hard work with your family. besides, if you had them at this point in your life they would probably just get ruined by projective vomit or poop! :)

Amanda said...

so, I have to tell you that when you told me you were pregnant with Kylie I though, wow that will be tough. But when I heard you had Kylie I couldn't help but think, boy Heavenly Father must really trust Nichole. There is a reason Macy and Kylie are supposed to be sisters and so close in age and to have you as their mommy. After your "therapy session" I felt like I needed to tell you that.

brie said...

I swear you are me. I am you. I only have one child, and I feel most of the time I'm not sure I can endure it all, so you juggling motherhood with being a wife and trying to keep the house clean, etc - you're a freaking rock star. I have times too where I just want to be selfish and make someone else watch Cade where I go back to my pre-motherhood days of being lazy and going to school and going to movies and out to dinner and sleeping in, etc. It's so hard. I dont' know what else to say, just that I understand.

Ash said...

And this is why you were one of my favs! You dish it like you see it and don't try and hide the truth behind disgusting lies. And my favorite line: If you are one of the "perfect" people, I don't want to hear from you.

Haha! I actually snorted reading that. Though I can't relate because I don't have kids or a husband or anything like that, I feel for you. I know I will love motherhood, but there is a point where you need to take care of yourself or you will turn into that diaper feeding machine bored with life with no recollection of who you once were. Though motherhood is one of the greatest blessings in life, that is not all a woman wants to be remembered for; being a good mom. And you will be able to make your mark and do the things you want to about 10 years or so! haha! When they start school make sure to take a lot of time for yourself during the day, take hold of time and make your mark! Anyway I don't think you sound like a bad mom at all. You are a great mom with lots of patience and even that perfect "mormon" mom at church has yelled at her kids at one point...even if she won't admit it. :)

Alaina said...

I laughed and laughed at the subtitle about voyeurs so I had to post to let you know I was here :) It's fun to see life outside of Utah, and with 2 cute girls. My husband served his mission in Alaska but I don't know if I'd be brave enough to move there! Anyway, your girls are darling and keep up the mom stuff. I admire you and though I don't know you, from what I read it looks like you're doing a great job. ~Alaina (Taryn is my amazing babysitter...)