I finally gave in and even though my house is not yet remotely put together and we have a lot to do, I used Justin's camera to take a few pictures tonight. His camera died pretty soon- so yeah, there would have been more and better ones but take what you can get:)

Here is our living room (or part of it, the battery died after this pic). We still need to put the molding back on the walls and clean more but this gives you an idea of how our walls and floors look now. I am really impressed with the job that Justin and our friends did on this floor and for how cheap we were able to do it!

Here is the shower that Justin and another friend of ours tiled. Before it had been a nasty old stained and broken tub with ghetto glass doors but he ripped that out and replaced it with a perfectly good used $20 tub and then tiled the rest. This is currently my favorite part of the entire house.

He needs to re-plaster above the shower but I wanted to show it off more. So many projects to do... We still need a bathroom door, doorknobs, a kitchen floor and to gut the rest of the bathroom. And those are just the big things but it is fun and Justin has learned so much in this process.

And here is cute Macy the night before we officially moved in to the house. We had her watching a movie on the computer while we cleaned and then I went back to Randy and Debi's (where we had been staying) with Kylie and Justin stuck around to keep working but pretty soon he discovered a zonked out little Macy Jo.
Other than this we just keep working away at our house, cleaning, doing little projects and unpacking. I am looking forward to being unpacked so we can focus on finishing everything else up. We took a little break from everything and went camping in Hope (70 miles south) Wednesday night and then Justin fished much of Thursday while the girls and I played outside and watched. It was great to see him get his first Alaska salmon and I know he had been looking forward to that since we moved up here. I have pictures on my other camera that I will get up as soon as I can.
I have been working away on my little
coupon blog with my friend and Monday we are going to be on the local news to talk about our site. I am excited and anxious to get ourselves out there more and I think it will be fun for the girls because our five children (between Kara and I) get to all be on too. I will post a link to the video if we can get it, wish us luck!