So with the craziness of packing up and flying down to the lower 48 for a month, combined with Christmas Chaos, I have not had time to do any blogs. So here is one although it won't have much because I dumped all of my pictures onto my home computer before I left so I don't have access to those until I get back. Oops, at least you can see Christmas morning spent at my parents' house:

This is the annual Stair Picture. We had to wake up our girls for Christmas morning due to the 2 hour time difference and the complete lack of sleep from our red eye the night before. We had planned on the late flight thinking the girls would sleep most of the time but they thought that a 45 minute nap on the planes would be a better idea. Thanks heavens for their portable DVD player from Grandma Brenda/ Santa!

Kylie was a big fan of the poodle purse that she and Macy each got from Santa. The M&M's were a popular item as well.

Macy loved her camera that she got from Grandma and Grandpa. My mom was wise to get one for Owen as well(but blue- not pink) so there wouldn't be fights and tears over the camera. She walked around all morning telling people to "Say Cheese!" and then clicking pictures of mostly arms and legs- she will hopefully get the aiming concept down soon.
I loved getting to spend Christmas with my entire family. It was the first time we had all been together since March for Ashley's wedding and I thought it was wonderful. I loved the chaos and wrapping paper mess and excitement of all of the presents and people. Thanks Mom and Dad for getting us there! I was most excited about the $50 bill in my stocking from Santa that allowed me to go and stock up on some great quilting fabrics on Friday. We found some great clearance sales so I got multiple designer fabrics for $4/ yard! I was thrilled to get to built up my stash and to have that money go so far. I even bought most of my fabric for next year's Christmas quilt because it was such a killer deal. Tonight I finished cutting my first real quilt and I can't wait to piece it together as soon as I get the chance. It is just a throw for Valentine's day but I think it will look great!
We drove down yesterday to see Justin's family for a few days and we had Christmas- The Sequal. We were completely spoiled all over again and we have been having a great time getting to see his family and Aunt and Uncle while they are visiting here too. We are off the Park City tomorrow and it should be another fun filled day!
Merry Christmas Nichole! when do you come back???
YAY!!! Call me asap so we can get together!
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