Here are the Halloween pictures. First, here are their coordinating trick or treat bags. About halfway through this project I decided that I went a little overboard to line and quilt bags for them that they would use once but the girls loved that they matched their costumes!
Here are my cuties on Halloween:
Can anyone else believe how old Macy is getting???
And this is how they got to Trunk or Treat at our church. Fortunately, their costumes fit over their coats pretty well and there wasn't 6 inches of snow on the ground like there was last year. By this time the girls had worn their costumes several times and Macy's was getting trashed so it didn't look fabulous but it was good enough for her. Earlier in the week I had thrown a little Halloween party with some of our friends (camera died half way through so no pictures) so they could enjoy being in costume for more than just on Halloween. They also got to dress up for dance class (where Macy's costume really got destroyed) on Thursday. Overall, they had a lot of fun!
We went to our friend's house for a Halloween party Saturday night (after Trunk or Treating) and the girl- who were the only kids there, had a blast. We ate, played games while the girls cheered us on and had lots of fun. As we were about to leave our friends pulled out a pinata and dangled it from the upstairs balcony. They decided to let Macy and Kylie go first but everyone thought it was so funny watching them whip Little Bo Peep's cane around (that was the bat we used) that we watched for 20 minutes as Macy tried to destroy that pirate. I don't remember the last time we laughed so hard. Around the end she started "ducking and covering" as the pinata would get close to her head and that made it even funnier. More pictures of the girls in costume to come later. Enjoy!