For 6 weeks Justin headed to Maxwell AFB in Montgomery Alabama to attend AMS or officer training. It was a long 6 weeks for both of us but luckily for me, my mom and sister Chelsea came up to visit for a week of it. Thanks to my wonderful friend Sassy I got to fly down to attend his graduation and I am so glad I went. His mom was there too and we got to stay at the on base hotel. It was so nice to get to see where Justin had been the last 6 weeks and to see the funny habits he had picked up, everything from how he walked to calling everyone sir and ma'am and even leaving the toilet seat up because that is what they were told to do. Thursday night they had the awards banquet which was a lot of fun. Justin was recognized as receiving an excellent score on his fitness test which was a 99.3.
Friday morning they first had their state oath ceremony.

With the Air National Guard they take both a State and Federal oath as they work under a dual mission to serve their country and their individual state. The Commandant of AMS happened to be a Colonel from Alaska so he came by to administer Justin's oath which we thought was pretty cool. After that they had a Federal Oath and Graduation ceremony. This pic didn't turn out so great so I am glad Brenda got some better ones.

I am so proud of Justin for making it through this crazy training. He worked really hard and everyone spoke very highly of him. He is now a Second Lieutenant and in a week he heads of to SERE training which is a survival school. In January he will leave for Initial Flight Screening for 2-5 weeks in Colorado and then we move to Del Rio Texas in February! It has been a crazy few months and it will continue to be crazy until we make it to February and get to actually be together for more than 4 days at a time. I am very proud of my husband and I am happy that I finally feel like we are officially "military" now! Plus, he looks awesome in his uniforms ;)