We worked hard to stay busy while Justin was off for 6 days for flight training and we ended up having a lot of fun. The nicer weather helped us to survive also. Anyway, I thought that I needed to show off some really fun pictures from our action packed week.
On Wednesday Debbie was wonderful and watched Macy for me so I could go to the Chocolate Lounge with Carmen and Kara for Kara's birthday. It was a little boutique type place that served fancy choco
I also think that she became upset when She didn't get anymore, her selfish mother finished it before she could have seconds. You can't blame me though. It was like drinking chocolate fondu. The truffles were very exotic. There was a blueberry chocolate one with a dried anchovy on top. A little crazy but delicious once the little fish was removed.
Due to the long, cold and very dark winter I have become an outdoor junkie. We go outside whenever possible. We went to the zoo again on Friday with my cousins, the Wrights, b
Kylie was a little trooper and just hung out in the stroller, happy to get pushed around outside.
Macy was pretty excited to have her dad come home on Saturday night. I was too, It's amazing the difference an extra set of hands a few hours a day can make for my sanity. Plus, I really like my husband. He can be very entertaining :). His energy, jump roping with a toy snake, funny voices and enthusiasm with the kids has had us laughing a lot since he returned. He did really well in his class, scoring the highest grade on the test out of the other trainees. Yeah, my husband is a rock star pilot. :) He can't wait to finally get the hands on training part going so he can actually fly.
On Sunday Macy informed us that she had to go Potty. We rushed her onto her Elmo potty seat, hoping that she would stun and amaze us and figure out what she was supposed to do. She never went but we got some really funny pictures of her contemplating the wonders of the universe.
Kylie had her six month doctor's appointment this morning (almost 2 months late- I am a neglectful mom, I know) and she weighs 18 lbs 13 oz. She is a chunk but that is only around the 50th percentile so she really isn't all that big. I am just used to Macy who was in the 2nd% since she was born. Kylie also has to get her plugged tear duct fixed, which I am not excited about. Something about putting a baby under with anesthesia is just a little worrisome to me. I will be calling the specialist soon and will let you know when the fun day for the procedure will be here.
That's all for now. Enjoy spring, where ever you are!
Wow, that is one cool potty seat!!
I agree with Kylie...where's mine!
Poor Kylie... when does she get her tear duct fixed? The picture of Macy on the toilet is really cute. She is an old soul.
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