Since we arrived in Alaska last October I have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of berry picking season. What could be better than millions of free berries at our disposal??? Well, this summer was somewhat of a bust. With the cold and cloudy weather the berries have been taking longer than expected to make their appearance. We went on a hike with randy and Deb last week and lo and behold, we found a gazillon crow berries with blueberry bushes near by. I learned that where crow berries are, blueberries are usually close. Crow berries are eatable even th
We had great fun on our hike and the pure joy I felt at getting to finally get some blueberries will last me for a week! Plus, if you haven't figured it out by now, Alaska is the most beautiful place on Earth. Sorry Mom and Dad, we may never move back :)
Oh little macy! Or shall I call her 'Blueberry Sal!"
Alaska does look beautiful, Im glad you are enjoying it and having such a fun experience! we get so jealous when we read your blog and see your pictures!!!
For some reason I fear for your safety from bears. I have this irrational idea that every time you step out of your door there are bears lurking behind every blueberry bush in Alaska! (Of course, 'Blueberry Sal' made me think of this...)
Cute Macy!
So bears are here all over but typically, they try to stay away from people. We just try to be noisy so we don't sneak up on them, especially a sow with her babies. Usually they are just really good at staying out of sight and sneaking food when no one is around.
debi and i think this is the greatest pic of macy ever! and not he one all my gray hair in it, the other one. of course debi thinks the gray hair one is hilarious...
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